Thursday, December 18, 2008


Obama is doing a pretty good job with the transition. The sad part is that we are in one of the greatest crisis of all time and we have to wait until January 20th 2009 to get anything done. If I was Obama, I would have a very quick swearing in and would get right to work. We don't have time for ceremonies during this type of crisis. It reminds me of Bush reading books to kids as we were attacked on 9/11.


I want to see criminal investigations into the large banks responsible for this collapse. I want to Allen Greenspan to be brought to trial for treason. He is one of the all time greatest detriments to our society. He thought that banks would regulate themselves. That is not a good enough answer to his incompetency. The Federal Reserve need to be replaced with a better system. The SEC needs to stand trial for it's part in letting these things occur. I know that these actions seem extreme, but we are experience one of the greatest collapses of all time and someone is to blame. Just because these criminals wear pin-striped suits and wing-tipped shoes that does not mean that they can bring down a country. Millions have lost their jobs because of these people. Trillions in savings have been wiped out due to these buffoons. Granted the stock market should never have been as high as it was.


We have wasted our world away and now the bill collector has come for his money. Bad news, we are broke. We decided that having a modest lifestyle was not good enough. The big corporations decided to use all of our resources to put us into a type of indentured slavery. Our debt has now reached 10.6 trillion dollars. The poor dollar does not have a very bright future. Where was government? The protector of the people. In the big corporations pockets. The sad thing is that other countries were looking at us as the model for their economies/societies. Bad move. As I have said before, great men and women must rise to the challenges facing our world. We are currently headed down a path that could lead to great social unrest. The scariest part of the equation is that I don't think that the people are willing to change. It is part of the "American Dream" to have as much as you want. This model is no longer sustainable. We have built a society with money we don't have. Our people have become complacent. There will have to be pain, before we can adjust to the old way of life. Living within your means. Work hard. Help your fellow man/woman. Greed and Sloth have brought us here. Giving and Caring will bring us out.