Monday, December 17, 2007

Bush vs. Hitler

It is not that big of leap to compare these two leaders.


Sunday, December 16, 2007

The Good ol US of A

Humans are extremely resilient.  You can find Humans on every continent.  Places that would seem uninhabitable, like Las Vegas for instance....Humans are there.  That would be one reason this year hasn't been a total bust.  High oil prices, falling credit markets, baseball heroes on steroids, a budget and trade deficits that would choke a dinosaur and we are still ticking.  I hope you don't think that I'm a old scrooge.  The good news is Iran is not trying to build a nuclear bomb, the Arctic ice is freezing back at a record pace (of course it did melt a record pace this summer), the Dallas Cowboys are 12 and 2, and HDTVs are finally somewhat affordable and if they
aren't we will just put it on our MasterCard.

I would like to wish the World a Happy Holiday Season or just a happy December and January if you don't partake in any rituals during this time.  

Monday, November 12, 2007

Oil, Politics, and Football

Oil eased some more today from it's near $100 mark. Maybe the speculators (boom creators) have finally realized that unlike the housing and technology industries, high oil prices will send us back to 1929.
Our old buddies the democrats and republicans are up to the same old thing, except a veto override - Bush's first. Ron Paul is making quite the push on the GOP side. He is by far the best candidate they can put forward.
The Dallas Cowboys are winning so everything is right in the world - at least in Dallas?!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

2007 Coming to an End

Well, we find ourselves at the end of another year. The housing bubble is deflating, the presidential race is heating up (hasn't gotten ugly yet, but wait for it), the stock market has shown resilient to inflation and the housing bubble, we are getting closer to war with Iran, global warming debate is "heating" up, the Iraq Occupation is still an occupation, and you can now find the Wii at stores.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

2008 - Presidential Race Update

Well the race got started early this time around, but it is shaking out about like expected. America's mayor is leading the way. His leadership during 9/11 has bought him some time, but it won't buy him the white house. Obama has set a nice pace, not to fast out of the gate. Hillary has her machine working in the right direction. The war is still weighing the republican candidates down. Right now John Edwards is the best looking out of the bunch, so it looks like he will probably be the next president. Remember it is a popularity contest. Al Gore is still preaching global warming and getting fat, so he is out. Ron Paul is making waves online and offline. His extremely loyal supporters have helped move some issues to the forefront.

Thursday, February 8, 2007


Do you want to know who the real terrorist are? I know how this sounds. I will get the old "conspiracy nut" thrown at me. Cigarette companies kill thousands of people every year. I know, I know...people choose to smoke. That's not a good argument. We have a substance that is known to kill and it is sold everywhere. Why can't we shut down tobacco companies? They are tool powerful and they have lot of money.
One of the biggest problems with this issue is that the medical bills for people that smoke is going to be paid for by everyone. If tobacco killed people pretty quickly, then this would not be an issue.

Saturday, February 3, 2007

2008 President

 At this point in the game I am leaning towards Obama or Hillary. McCain is a strong candidate, but it looks like the US is ready for a change. The republicans had plenty of opportunities with control of the legislative and executive branches. They didn't do a horrible job, but a few key missteps - Iraq, Katrina and corruption - they have quite a hole to climb out of.

I'm hoping for a Clinton/Obama ticket, though that is wishful thinking. Think of that duo, they could control the US for 16 years if they proved themselves. That would push me back to 2024. Nevertheless, this is not going to happen.

The race is early and this one is going to get ugly for both parties, but for now I'm backing these two - we will see what happens in the next 6 months.

Friday, February 2, 2007

President 2020

One of the reasons for this blog is to let everyone know that I am forming an exploratory committee for the 2020 Presidential Race. Why not start as early as possible. Since I do not come from a wealthy family, nor have I become wealthy through my labors; I will need a lot more time to get my message out to the people. My hopes are that I will not have to raise millions (by 2020 it might be billions) to run my campaign. This strategy will also allow me not to have to sell my soul to big business. Yea!

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

2007 - The Beginning of Change

Things are continuously changing, of course. I am of the belief that we are at the beginning of a new beginning. Lifestyles, cultures, cities, laws, and just about everything that we have become used to is going to change. Why? To name a few of the big catalysts - Oil, health care, global warming, population growth, China and India's emergence into the global economy, religion, "The next US President", baby boomers, nuclear technology, and big business. None of this is new information. What is new. What people don't/can't comprehend. Is that mankind has never been faced with these types of circumstances. These things don't just work themselves out. We will need heroes, great men and women to lead us through this "time of change." They will have to make tough decisions. People will die, as they have in Darfur, Iraq, Afghanistan, Louisiana, and Africa(AIDS). Things are most likely not going to get better anytime soon. This is how mankind has navigated his way through time. For lack of a better phrase he "Rides the wave until it crashes." We have built a global economy that is growing at an unsustainable rate. Oil, the precious resource that is "fueling" this growth is becoming harder and harder to pull out of the Earth. Oil is power and humans have a tendency to do "bad things" to gain power.